Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Our family sure did. This photo was taken after many hours of playing with new toys on Christmas day. Instead of "cheese" we told them to say "Merry Christmas". Hence the non-uniform mouth positions...and yes, it appears that Makay and Creed are in fact howling at the moon.

Good times at the Nelson house for Christmas Eve dinner. They are a wonderful and very brave family in our ward that hosts several get togethers a year with many families at once.

Kids partyin' at their own private table.

Makay and Easton at home, enjoying the orange bounties of the new vita-mix. Thanks Papa and Grama Kim!

After Christmas was over the girls wanted to be ready to ring in the new year in style...

Parker loves her red hair and enjoys sporting the "fohawk" as well as the "Kate Gosselin" look (for lack of a better description).

No matter how many times a night we cover Beckham up with blankets, he always ends up like this...bum in the air with his pillow on top.

For your viewing pleasure...
I LOVE THE EYE Photos - thanks for posting them.
The singing is like little cherubs but even cuter to watch. The competition is adorable. i'm all for more like these! (Meaning the video and singing).
Lots of love!
Adorable kids! Parker is getting so big! I remember when she was in nusery! Crazy!!! Glad that you had an awesome Christmas!
whoa, I hate to tell you this... Your kids are probably tone deaf. Just kidding. That is funny and I love how you added the music to the beginning of the clip. Very cute!
Would love to see 'after' photos of the hair! I too love the 'eye' photos - they're amazing! Love their new 'jamas! and of course, their cute singing! We love our VitaMix! so versatile, powerful, and amazing what it does!
wow you always make me laugh. i thought my life was crazy with two boys. you are amazing how do you do it. i wish we didnt live so far away so we could enjoy some of this crazy fun you have in person. you are too cute. stay warm.
Parker, I love your hair!!!
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