Lets start off with how great it was to attend the temple this weekend. Berni and the kids picked me up from school on Thursday and we were off to D.C. area to start the Button Family Quarterly Temple Vacation (BFQTV). The kids were pretty excited about all the cool perks of a hotel from our previous trips. Sorry kids, those perks don't come with this hotel. But ya know what, they still had fun. They still had fun without the swimming, the delicious free continental breakfast, and they only complained alittle when the pizza was 2 hours late. Nothing dampened their spirits. The nights were filled with the excitement of getting to do things that you don't normally get to do at home. Jumping on the bed, eating lots of junk food, getting thrown on the bed by dad, getting a head laceration (little bit of an exageration) when dad is having to much fun and throws you on the bed at the wrong angle and you skim across and hit the nightstand, watching lots of cartoons, playing old maid and go fish with mom, going to the park with dad while mom is in a session, going to the visitors center and playing with all the cool touch screen displays, having one giant slumber party every night with the whole fam, and going to the visitors center again, this time for two and a half hours because dad locked the keys in the car just as mom got out from another session and then having fun at FuddRuckers and Coldstone as dads way of saying, I'm sorry for the key thing. Yes you can't rain on this parade. Although, mom and dad were feeling a little damp when they got the $200 dollar charge for the "key thing", the $12 dollar a night hotel parking fee and the charges for local phone calls from the hotel phone. Why didn't we use the cell? What can you do?...besides being a little more aware when booking our next hotel, and maybe complaining about something at the front desk, just out of spite, like the bug infestation in our hotel room...okay so they were ladybugs, but still, a little weird. I think we counted around 14 and how could we complain about this alternate form of entertainment that our children so enjoyed sharing their hotel room with. Despite the sarcasm, the vacation was very nice and most of all the temple was wonderful! We'll pay a key lock out charge of any price, any day, if that's the price of going to the temple...but we'd rather not

What a great example you guys are showing your kids about the importance of the temple. Sure they'll remember how much fun they had- but they'll also remember your committment and that will be wonderful for them!
What a great idea for a family vacation. The Boston temple is two hours from us, but I'm thinking we should totally make a mini-vacay out of it. I had to laugh about the keys. Stuart has locked himself out of the car DOZENS of times-the worst was when I was in Cali visiting my family last winter and he locked himself out in a blizzard. He didn't want to call a keysmith again so for two frigid hours he worked at it with a hanger some bystander had in their car. And guess what-he still locks his keys in the car!
What a riot!! But good for you guys for going and making it fun - no matter what!!! And I'm glad to see Ryan writing the blog! I was beginning to think I needed to hand ours back over to Kim but now I know I'm in good company! Thanks Ryan!
Wow, that sounds like a memorable trip!
Your example of going to the temple speaks volumes to your kids! The Lord will bless you in ways you don't even know. Love the photos - your kids are so darn cute! Thanks for giving us such adorable grandchildren! We love you, Kim
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