Well, I'm back. Where have I been? In SAN DIEGO!!! Yes, my wonderful husband took pity on me and let me return to the place of my roots that I have been missing SO badly. Did I mention that I went alone? Oh yeah, I went alone to refresh my mind and rejuvenate my body from seven long (constant) years of being pregnant and raising children. It's true "silence is golden."
Meanwhile Ryan had the kids all to himself for six days. We joke that it was his final HOORAH with the kids before he goes back to school in a week. I think after a week with the kids, he's very excited about getting back to school. ;) He really did do a great job, I couldn't have a better husband! Thank you so much Ryan!!!
So why would a woman leave her best friend and children for seven days?

Need I say more? Going almost two years without this just about killed me! Now that I've had my fix let's see if I can make it last until our next reunion.

Mom and I did some partying while the boys where off being boys on a mountain top. We hiked a trail at Torry Pines . . . can you see the sweat on our foreheads? Well, about 15 minutes after this picture was taken we were jumping in the waves!

One of my trips highlights was seeing Wicked! My dad got tickets for my mom and I for the night the men returned home from Mt. Whitney. It was AMAZING! Thank you dad a thousand pumpkins!
Sadly I have no other pictures of my dream vacation but it was filled with shopping, the temple and cake making (which turned out to be CC balls (that's ca ca for the layman) but looked great).
It was great to get home and see my family. The kids really did change in just one week and by the end of the day the kids were running away from me because I couldn't stop hugging them.
Two days after getting back Ryan and I heard a huge thud, tumble and roll on our crazy wooden stairs and both came running. Ryan saw the tail end of Makays feet flying up over her head for a crash landing at the bottom of our stairs. She's a pretty tough kid (we know from past incidents) and this time she was really hurting. I took her to Children's Hospital again (we took her just three weeks ago with a hole in her lip) and had some x-rays taken. Poor girl broke her clavicle. :( It's so hard to see your kids in pain!

She wasn't even that interested in her Frosty which shows you how much pain she really was in. When ever I would go to pick her up to carry her somewhere she would tell me, "be careful mommy" and "that hurts my shoulder mommy." It was a long night filled with doses of Children's Tylenol. We are supposed to keep the sling on her for two weeks but I don't know if she'll let us.

She's still in pain but even broken bones aren't going to stop this girl. We love our tough little angel!
And last of all, some new creations. . .