Okay, so Berni spent an hour writing all the captions to these pics and somehow they got erased. So please forgive the shortness of the rewrite and non funny nature (hers were hilarious). All the beach pics in this post were an hour north of where we live (avala beach) at a cool town w/ a few piers. This became our back up when the farm that we were going to go and visit was closed for the season. Kids had a great time-the restaraunt where we had lunch served the kids meals on frisbees-BONUS! It was a beautiful day despite the wind.

Makay is showing off her sand pie.

This bat in our entry way kept our kids and all their neighborhood friends entertained for a couple hours-don't think it got much rest.

If our kids ever start a band I think we'll use this for the album cover.

Creed getting ready to catch.

Beckham posing with his cool new fiz-uh-bee.

Wacky dollar store glasses = wacky kids.

Parker with her "self-manager" certificate that she has now been awarded two years in a row. You go girl!

Last but definitely not least...Berni is expecting (14 wks along) Button #6! We are all very excited. The boys would like a boy and the girls would like a girl. The kids are always coming up with names for the baby. Berni's favorite so far is from Creed, he has suggested Peter Pan Button. We will keep you posted!
And if it is a girl, Peter Ann :) There is a girl at church that reminds me of Parker....it makes me miss you guys.
CONGRATS! You guys are amazing!! I love reading all your updates and seeing how big your kids are getting!
Congrats on #6! That is awesome!
Congratulations Button Family! Berni, we hope your pregnancy goes well and we'll be curious to see if "peter pan" sticks as a nick name.
Congrats on Button #6- s/he is so lucky to be coming to your family! The kids in their goofy glasses definitely have momma's genes- I loved borrowing Berni's glasses when we were roomies!
What?!!! Yay!! Congrats! Oh, I am so happy for you two! Did you tell Drew?!! YAY!!!!!!
Oh I'm so happy it's out in the open. So hard to keep such exciting news secret. I've been thinking about you a lot lately, hope everything is going well (especially being a preggo primary president mom!) Makes me tired just thinking about it! Here's hoping your #6 sleeps better than our #3. Any chance you're coming down for spring break? Mary and Shanna introduced me to pizookies a couple weeks ago and it's definitely something you might like (for the baby of course!)
When my little brother was being born my parents asked us what we wanted to name him. I said Alvin, Josh said Simon and Katie said "Feadore". Thank goodness parents have the sense not to take the advice of their children on matters like this :-)
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