So today after church we thought it would be good family time to carve our pumpkins. Ryan pulled out the camera and had everyone smile while continuing with their work.
Last night was our ward trunk-or-treat. It was pretty great. Here are the kids in their costumes... the cutest vampire ever (sorry Edward)
Beckhams vampire role model, very in character here, was Easton.
The funniest Harry Potter I've ever seen (Ryan and I laughed till our sides hurt over this picture, what a clown Creed is!)!
Miss Magic herself, Parker. She picked the costume and I made the accessories (necklace and hair feathers). Once I was done with her hair, makeup and she was all dressed I wanted to take it all away... way too beautiful! I'm not ready for that!!!
It's hard to tell from this picture that Makay has metallic makeup on her face. I mention it because it almost looks like dirt from where I'm sitting. She was the perfect little fairy though. We made her jewelry too and she was so excited that she got a necklace that had a crystal on it!!
So that was it for the fun that we had this weekend. As for the gore... Ryan video taped me removing Eastons stitches. It's such a hassle having to make an appointment just for 3 minutes of cutting stitches out so I took matters into my own hands. I went online and found step by step how to remove stitches; thank you internet! (and it only ended up taking me 10 minutes)

The start was a bit shaky, Eastons skin had grown over some of the stitches and I had to get in the right position but as you can see by the end, I'm a total pro! For those of you who are already feeling queezy, there is no blood, just a lot of screaming and crying (just kidding).
You are so funny! I love the stitches part-and the kidos costumes
I love the Halloween costumes. You did a great job on them. Beckham and Creed are such a crack up.
What!!!! I can't believe you did that to the stitches! Crazy mom! :) Love the costumes. Parker gets prettier every post. Halloween looks awesome in your family!
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