So my mom is crazy unorganized and can't find things all the time. (Don't tell her I said that though) She couldn't find the cord to the camera to download our pictures for like, ever. She's like, way stressed out, so when she finally found it I thought it would help her out by doing the family post for her. (Plus, her posts are pretty boring (don't tell her I said that either!))
So hello, I'm Parker. A little bit about my favorite subject, Me. I LOVE attention. I'm really good at reading and spelling. I get all A's on my spelling tests. I'm not bragging, I'm just telling you the truth. My favorite color is probably pink but I change it up a lot. I love to ride my bike!
Let me tell you about my brothers and sister. Easton was born next. His birthday is coming up on the 4th and he's going to be 7. He says that's old, but I'm still older then him. Easton loves to draw and I guess he's pretty good at it too. We ride bikes together with our friends that live by us. We usually play "war" boys against girls. The boys always say they won but they didn't, the girls almost always win! He just lost one of his top front teeth. Maybe I can take a picture and post it because he looks funny with it gone. We all laughed when mom yanked it out.
This is Creed, he was born after Easton. He's 5 1/2 and in kindergarten. We all walk to school together and Creed is always complaining that he's tired. I know that he's not though because they already fixed his heart and he doesn't have holes in it any more. Creed is really goofy and always makes us laugh, especially at bed time and at dinner time.
The other day Creed was complaining to mom that girls got to do things that boys don't (because I got to go inside my friends house to play with dolls and the boys couldn't) and that it's wrong! "Martha Lutha King" said that we could all do the same things! (We all learned about Martin Luther King Jr. in school last week) Mom thought he was pretty funny that time but I don't know why because Creed wasn't even trying to be funny then. 
Makay is my little sister. EVERYBODY says that she has beautiful eyes. Makay loves to play dress up and take her stuffed animals on walks, take care of her babys, things like that. She got a bike that has training wheels on it for Christmas so she can ride outside with us now. She does pretty well but when we go on family bike rides, SHE TAKES FOREVER!!

This is our baby, Beckham. We all love him and usually he's really fun to play with. He's funny too. If we tell him to show us him bum bum, he turns around and sticks his bum out! We laugh forever when he does that. He likes to take rides on our backs like we are horses and follow us around at the park. It's okay, he's a pretty good little brother to have. Plus, all of our friends love him and are always asking if he can come along.
Now that you know a little about us I'll tell you about some of the things we have been doing lately. Last Sunday we got board so Easton started pulling us around the kitchen on his blanket. He wouldn't give me one because he said I was too big, whatever!, but he gave them to everyone else. Easton makes a pretty good sled dog.
Mom ordered some shoes online and they finally came. Like I said, Makay loves to dress up. She likes mom shoes but she can only really stand in them, every time she tried to walk she fell over.

She didn't really care that she couldn't walk though. She stood in them for a really long time.
Beckham still plays with his food a lot. We had oranges for snack and he had to separate all the sections and then lined them up before he ate any of them. My mom said, " like Mother like son," but I don't know why.
We spend Christmas in Washington with our Button grandparents. We could only stay a few days and we had to drive FOREVER (17 hours one way!), but we had a lot of fun. We hadn't been there in so long so we had a ton of fun with our cousins and uncles and aunts. We had SO much fun in fact that mom and dad forgot to take pictures! I keep telling them they should just buy me one and then they wouldn't have to worry about it. They never listen to me though. (don't tell them I said that! but it's true!)
Makay is my little sister. EVERYBODY says that she has beautiful eyes. Makay loves to play dress up and take her stuffed animals on walks, take care of her babys, things like that. She got a bike that has training wheels on it for Christmas so she can ride outside with us now. She does pretty well but when we go on family bike rides, SHE TAKES FOREVER!!
This is our baby, Beckham. We all love him and usually he's really fun to play with. He's funny too. If we tell him to show us him bum bum, he turns around and sticks his bum out! We laugh forever when he does that. He likes to take rides on our backs like we are horses and follow us around at the park. It's okay, he's a pretty good little brother to have. Plus, all of our friends love him and are always asking if he can come along.
She didn't really care that she couldn't walk though. She stood in them for a really long time.
Uncle Nick has a real guitar and we all got to take turns with it. Grandma is really good at piano and we got to play with that a little too.
This was the other picture they took. Grandma sewed a lot and made all the grand kids some really cool things for Christmas. This was Eastons crayon caddy. We all got one with cool fabric (mine is purple and pink with sparkles and buttons on it). We also got our very own pillow cases and books!
Before we left for Christmas we got our chairs in the mail. We have a cool fire place at our house and you turn it on like you turn on the light, it's awesome! My mom turned it into our reading area so we got chairs and a rug to go in front of the fire place. Makay likes it the most, whenever we can't find her we just go to the fireplace and she is on the floor in front of it with her toes stuck in the heat vents (she hates wearing socks so her feet are always cold).
This was one night of our Christmas break when Dad was giving Easton rides by pulling him on the floor who was giving Beckham rides by letting him sit on his back. It was pretty funny, Becks kept saying, "yeehaw."

We had a Christmas party for the people that work with my dad. Grandma Kim was in town and she helped my mom get things ready. They made the house look really nice. All the adults stayed in the kitchen and living room and talked and stuff and the kids got to play in the garage. It was poring rain so we turned our garage into the play room and we put our toy house in there and we had huge moving boxes, it was awesome!
We had a Christmas party for the people that work with my dad. Grandma Kim was in town and she helped my mom get things ready. They made the house look really nice. All the adults stayed in the kitchen and living room and talked and stuff and the kids got to play in the garage. It was poring rain so we turned our garage into the play room and we put our toy house in there and we had huge moving boxes, it was awesome!
These are all the adults from the party. The guy on the left, Mr. Hays, made like 50 deserts and we got to try ALL of them. The fudge was our favorite so we told the little kids to go in and sneak some into the garage for us. (don't tell my parents)

Two days before that party we had Makays 4th birthday party. Grandma and mom made a cool cake with fondant, (it's like edible play dough! (we snuck some of that too)) and we had a lot of fun.
One of Makies presents was a monkey from Grandma Button. It's big and it makes monkey noises and claps it's hands and stuff. It's really cool and Makay LOVES it! She even takes it with her when we go to the store and stuff, it's really funny. See, here in the picture, she did her hair and her monkeys hair to match!
Two days before that party we had Makays 4th birthday party. Grandma and mom made a cool cake with fondant, (it's like edible play dough! (we snuck some of that too)) and we had a lot of fun.
Great Post! Loved all the info about your kids! They are super cute!
Parker that was really fun to read! I enjoyed it : )
Thanks Parker! You are a doll. I hope you do posts more often. They are so entertaining. Wow, what writing skills. I think I know what you should be when you grow up :)
Good job miss Parker! Looks like you have a gift. Looking forward to hearing more from you. Grandma Kim
Love, Love, Love the "Martha Lutha King" bit!
Loved the post and the (don't tell my parents). =D
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