I know, it's terrible to say but it's true! The weather has been awful, in the 90's every day with humidity in the 90's too. Normally this kind of weather isn't fun but you just go to the pool and wait it out. We haven't been able to do that though because we have been packing and cleaning.
I don't think you can fully understand the misery of humid weather until you have actually experienced it. For instance, last night I was scrubbing our bathroom clean with a fan in the doorway turned on to high. I had to take my glasses off because they kept fogging up, the sweat was pouring off my forehead so bad that my eye brows weren't doing their job and I was sliding all over the place on the bathroom floor because my legs were sweating! Sick! Crazy! Yuck! I hate sticky weather!!!
One night at the dinner table we were all miserable. Finally it got to Ryan and he half grunted, half yelled (it was very manly) took his shirt off and threw it on the floor. Immediately all the kids were doing the same. It's like they were waiting for any excuse to take their shirts off. I laughed so hard, and then pulled out the camera. We had a hot, shirtless dinner that night!
On a better note, we are leaving tomorrow to a land of moderate temperatures, light cool breezes and no severe weather warnings in all seasons of the year!!! (sigh of pleasure)
We met up with some friends from the ward this last week at a great little park for some pizza and fun. They are the only other family that has five kids also and we just love them! We are really going to miss them when we leave.
The kids have been in the back yard a lot since Ryan and I have been busy with the house. As you can guess, when there is a lot of rain things grow like crazy. I don't know how long it took these plants to swallow the kids bikes but one day the bikes were there and the next, they were gone! (This is the only place Ryan and I have ever seen where there are no sprinklers. . . anywhere. No one needs them!)
When the days get too long and the kids can't "try" anymore Ryan and I have to come up with something. You saw the plastic bags parade (see last post if you missed it). Well we were running out of materials because we were packing everything up. So what could we use to entertain kids? We had paper. So, Ryan got creative with the paper. . . and it worked!! A day and a half of entertainment, woohoo!!
Good luck with the move! I love the bike bush and the paper masks! Might have to steal that one!
Awe! We miss you guys already! Drive safe and take lots of pictures of all the fun you have in that nice Cali weather (I'm very jealous).
In the car for seven days! Wow, I am so so so glad I am not on that road trip. Whew! Good luck is all I can say!
Ok, I'm still giggling at the image of Ryan doing the caveman thing at the dinner table! But the real reason I got on here was to write....WE CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU!!!!!!!!!!
we are going to miss you too, A TON!!! Thanks for the friendship and memories! You will be greatly missed! and by the way ... yes, that cake was AWESOME!!!!!
You've made a lot of great friends and memories in Pittsburgh! We're just thrilled to have you back on the West Coast!!! Can't even imagine cleaning with all that heat and humidity! Yuck is right! Hope you get your cleaning deposit back to make it worth it. Drive safe!!
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