Above is a picture of a very exhausted 4 year old. Creed is in the ICU Cardiac unit and will most likely be moved to recovery in the next day depending on how things go. Berni is staying with him for what will likely be about a 5 day stay. My Mom came up to help which is such a wonderful blessing. Thanks Mom! Thank you to everyone that has fasted, prayed or thought on Creeds behalf. Heavenly Father manifested himself in many ways during this event and our testimonies have definitely been strengthened concerning the power of prayer.

Creeds surgery was pushed back by about 4 hours (due to an emergency surgery just prior), so he had alot of extra time to play with the array of cool toys at the Childrens hospital...and I guess I kinda did too.
Creed was definitely nervous but in a giddy sort of way, which was only enhanced by the drugs that were given him. And yes, Berni was hysterical but with laughter, due to how loopy the drugs made Creed. He said and did alot of funny things, for one, he was amazed at the "magic paper" and how the drawings were "dancing around." However, he was quite disapointed when he discovered that no matter how fast he was, he couldn't quite catch them (the drawings).
We love you Creedo!
YAY!!! What a wonderful post!! Thanks for sharing the good news so quickly. I was in the car debating whether or not I should give your parents a call. I've been thinking about you guys all day. It was so great to talk to you guys yesterday and to talk some more with your parents last night when they came over. I love your parents Bern!
We'll keep him in our prayers so that he'll be running around like a madman in no time. You did it you guys!!! What a wonderful little miracle.
Awesome news! Glad all went well, we will keep you guys in our prayers. Love ya!
*Where can I get some of the meds they gave him? It might be good when I am getting cranky with my kids :)
We are all so glad to hear the good news. We thought of you guys all day and have been dying to hear what happened.
Ryan, congratulations on graduating. We are all very proud of you. Can't wait to have you guys back on the west coast!
So glad that everything went will and that recovery looks like it will too!
I am so glad everything has gone well. That picture of him makes tears come to my eyes, the things we have to endure here...What a cute kid. Love you guys
So glad! I'm glad you updated so fast. We were very curious as to how things went. Yay!
That magic paper sounds about as good as my epidurals.....oh how I miss those things!
Thank you for updating us all. What a relief to head off to California knowing that is all done and over with....that and school, eh?!
I was in San Diego the last couple of days, so I was there talking with your parents Berni. I was so glad that I heard about the fast on Sunday, and that we were able to participate in that.
I was at the airport when Britt called to tell me that you had posted on the blog and that everything had gone well.
We were all praying for you, and are so excited that everything went well.
Good luck the next couple of days.
I know we don't talk much, but I always love looking about your blog, and feel very close to your family.
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