Spring has
definitely been in the air so one Saturday we took advantage of the nice weather and ventured to the Pittsburgh Zoo.

We spent most of our time in the play area with no animals in sight. But the kids had a great time!
Makay insisted on being a big kid and climb the net. Here she is holding on for dear life.

They only had two slides open for about 45 kids, it was really crowded. That didn't bother the kids though, I couldn't have counted the number of times they went down.

They got more and more creative the longer we were there too. They went down head first, on their backs, feet first on their tummies and the big hit. . . in a train! They all held hands and went down together. One boy, about 7 or 8 thought they were having so much fun he asked to join them so for a while there was a train of 5 going down the slides.

Beckham had a good time!

We did end up seeing some animals. . . sheep.
Makay couldn't keep her hands off them. She thought they really needed her tender loving care so she sang to them and treated them like one of her baby

The kids also got to ride the Turtle Cars, they were pretty cool little things.

Can you tell this picture was taken near the end of the day?

Easton about to pounce on Creed
D.C. Temple Trip

It's been 10 months since Ryan and I had been to the temple! We took advantage of
Ryan's spring break and headed south. We stayed two night in a "cabin" (hotel) that had a swimming pool. The kids loved it but I have no idea why they called it a cabin.

The temple really is beautiful! I went to a session during the day while Ryan and the kids played in the "forest of darkness" near by. Ryan went to a session that night while I had the kids at the hotel. It was so nice to go to the temple, I miss having one close!
Here are the kids adventures in the forest of darkness...

Obviously something very painful has taken hold

The bridge to freedom and safety

The horrors inside the forest of darkness
Your kids are growing up so fast!! They are still cute as a bunch of buttons though...ha ha. Glad you guys had fun in D.C., I would love to go there again someday. And Kelsi recently has become obsessed with the Lincoln Memorial (they studied it in school) so she really wants to go there. I just wrote a book in your comments...sorry. We miss you guys! Love ya!!
LOVE all the pics of your kids and the play by play of the zoo and D.C. trip. You've got to be as anxious as I am to finally get some spring weather so the kids can run and run and run outside again. I'm glad you guys took a trip, I'm not sure how you did that. When we went to DC the drive seemed FOREVER and that was with only one child. I just wish we could have met you there...
I can't believe how much Beckham and Makay have changed! They're all adorable - wish we were closer to see you more. Looks and sounds like you had a great time on your trip. The temple is so beautiful! Love you all so much!!!
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