Easton with Grandma Veteto doing the dishes. How picture perfect can you get?

Makay loves to have the spot light. One night at dinner she got a laugh out of the kids and just kept going with it.

One day while Ryan and my mom where driving the kids to the zoo, they heard a loud bang like something hit our car. They pulled over and looked but couldn't find any dents or evidence of damage. After that we heard a noise when our wheels would rotate, we checked them several times but never saw anything unusual. Then, two weeks after the bang, we were getting gas and spotted this. The wheels were rolled just right so we could see that we were driving on a huge hazard. Can you believe two weeks on a tire like that!?! The Lord was watching over us on that one.

Here is Makays wounded hand when she got her finger slammed in the door. We thought about taking a picture of it before she got the stitches but that seemed a little gory.

You can see her bloody shirt though. The accident happened at about 4pm. This picture was taken at 10pm after the docters fixed her up. She was at the hospital with a bloody shirt and no pants for six hours. Thank goodness she melted everyones heart with her eyes.
Can you guess which button baby is which?