Weapon used to commit crime: Wooden Hammer from Santa Clause
Crime committed: Smashing hole in bedroom window
Criminal: Easton Jace Button plead guilty

For some reason we all got tattoos to celebrate our day of thanks.
Doug and Kim Button came to visit us on December 11 for a long weekend. It was wonderful to see them and for them to finally meet Beckham. They were here for the celebration on Makays party as well.
Makays birthday was on December 16, she blew out her two candles like a pro. (I think Elder Martinez secretly helped.)
Ryan had three weeks off of school for the holidays and it was wonderful. He got all A's last semester and is well rested and ready to go for next semester.
We acted out the nativity on Christmas Eve for the first time. We did the two minute version and still had some issues but overall it went well. (Cousin "it" on the left is Makay as a shepherd in case you were wondering.)
For New Years Eve we had a party with the kids. Parker made mini pizzas for dinner, Creed made a nacho cheese dip that only he could stomach and Easton made an Oreo cookie dessert. After dinner we played a game of charades and the kids were off to bed.