Please welcome Beckham Hastings Button to the world. He was 9 pounds 7 ounces and 22 inches long. He was easily the biggest baby in the NICU by a couple of pounds. He was in the NICU because he was born so fast that when he came out he popped his lungs. They put him on antibiotics and watched him for a couple days to make sure it healed up okay before he could come home. The bandage on his arm is for his IV, thank goodness I wasn't there when they put it in.

His birth was by far the craziest. We were lucky that we made it to the hospital. I only had contractions for about two hours but they never got regular. They hurt so bad that I wanted to go to the hospital just so I could get an epidural even though they were still about 7 minutes apart. While Ryan was trying to get hold of a Dr. I started involuntarily pushing. YIKES! He hung up the phone and we sped to the hospital. He was born about 12 minutes after we got there. The Doctor said that my water (which hadn't broken) was the only thing keeping him in there.

My mom was here, what a life saver. The kids loved having her full attention for two weeks. She and Ryan took the kids swimming while Beckham and I were recovering.
Congratulations Ryan and Bernie! I love the name Beckham and I can't believe you have 5 kids! You go girl! I'm glad you and the baby are doing well.
Oh, congratulations Berni!!! What a sweet little boy! He's adorable - good job! :) What a nutsy labor! I don't know what I would do. And I've never heard of lung-popping before! Crazy! Well - I'm glad to hear from you again! Good luck with your little kiddos!
I'm glad to hear that everything turned out well. Wow. You have 5 kids! That is incredible. I hope everything else is going well.
that is the craziest labor ever. i am praying i make it in time for an epidural..however, you are wonder woman, so an epidural wasn't even necessary.:)
Berni I can't believe you had another kid...well thats not true, I totally believe it. You are one crazy mama! I'm struggling with just two kids. You always choose the coolest names, next time I'm coming to you for names :).
Congrats! How adorable he is!!! Glad all is well...now.
what a beautiful baby!! i want one!! I love his name too!! You guys are awesome keep up the great work! love you all!! Cuz, jeNN
Congrats! I hope that you don't mind that I found you on someone else blog! I always feel completely deprived when I hear about 12 min labors! Mine are more like 12 hour labors! I would definately trade! Good luck and make sure to check us out!
Hey Berni! Remember us? I found your blog from Alisha Tietjen. Congratulations on your baby boy. He is adorable! Hope you're doing well in Pittsburg!
gina owens
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